Our selection of firewood & peat
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Hardwood. 1.5 cubic metres loose.
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Predominantly Silver Birch, Sycamore, Alder and Beech.
Moisture content on average below 25%.
All our firewoods are stored inside and delivered dry.
Havested locally from sustainable sources and suitable for enclosed and open fires.
£200.00 Per 1.5 cubic metres.
***BEST BUY***
Larch Stovewood. 1.5 cubic metres loose.
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European Larch, A Conifer but classed as a semi-hardwood.
With a calorific value better than most Hardwoods.
Moisture content on average below 20%
Harvested locally and sustainably and suitable for enclosed fires.
£160.00 per 1.5 cubic metres
Softwood. 1.5 Cubic Metres loose.
You will able to select your order amount when you click on the PayPal Add to cart button.Please email jgdickfuels@yahoo.co.uk with your telephone number for us to arrange when we are ready to deliver.
A mixture of Scots, Lodgepole Pine, Sitka and Norway Spruce, Douglas Firand Western Hemlock.
Moisture content on average below 20%.
Stored inside and delivered dry.
Harvested locally from sustainable sources.
Suitable for all enclosed and open fires but care to be taken as most softwoods tend to be spark.
£120.00 per 1.5 cubic metres
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Sealed polyproplene bag containing Pine and Fir Softwood Logs . Suitable for open fires, Multifuel Stoves and Wood Burning Stoves.
£10.00 PER BAG
Kindlers at £8.00 per Bag
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Kindling Wood for lighting your fire in large net bags
£8.00 per net.
Peat at £9.00 per bag
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Large bags of Natural Scottish Peats. An aromatic fuel suitable for open fires, Multiefuel Stoves, and most other appliances